GQ Middle East - 2021 Photoshoot

Jason Seife: ‘I’m My Own Worst Critic’

In 2021, GQ Middle East has given me the opportunity to assist in the styling of one of their covers. The talent featured in the upcoming, Miami-based artist Jason Seife.

A version of this story originally appeared in the November 2021 issue.

Photography by David Urbanke
Styling by Keanoush Zargham
Produced (ME) by Malaika Naik
Produced (US) by Emily Strange
Produced Manager by Kendall Nash
Grooming by Anastasiia Milyaeva
Set design by Izabelle Garcia
Photo assistance by Brian Mcguffog
Fashion assistance by Zeid Jaouni, Barnaba Fagioli, Nico Harder
Production Assistance by Sean Anglin